Saturday, August 26, 2017

King of the West Honey Dew Melons

Today I had the hard-to-accept notion that Summer might be starting to come to an end.  This was the first morning that I didn't go out the door thinking how warm it was already.  Instead, I thought it was too cool to just sit on the deck and drink my coffee as the sun came up.  So that fear of loosing summer caused me to go and buy a nice summer melon.  

Did you ever hear of King of the West honey dew melons?  As far as I know, they come around here only once a year for a limited period of time.  Usually, I look for them at the end of August.  After a quick trip to Wegmans in Nazareth, PA, I happily loaded one of those creamy-colored giants into my car.

These melons are grown by Turlock Fruit Company, Inc. which is located in California.  They take pride in shipping melons that are ripe and ready to eat.  (Often melons need to be ripened on your counter top before they are ready to enjoy.)  These melons are not only the sweetest tasting fresh fruits, they are also huge.  They are a great value.  

Here's a link to one of my favorite ways to eat a King of the West.  It's a video that I made some time ago, but it's quick and easy and the result is so enjoyable.  Peel the melon, cube it up and serve it in a tall glass with a honey yogurt sauce, laced with mint.  Top it off with a mint sprig.  Check it out!  

King of the West - the absolute best in honeydew melons!  Try to get your hands on one.  

Do you have a favorite summer fruit that you want to grab before the season is gone?  Share in the comments, if you do!  



  1. The recipe looks so good! I like greek yogurt, but never thought to mix mint with it. I buy the plain greek yogurt and then add the fruit, help cut down on the sugar.

  2. That's a great suggestion to reduce the sugar. The mint has plenty of flavor, and the melon has a naturally sweet taste, so the sweetness in the vanilla yogurt wouldn't be missed. I like your idea!!!

  3. I grow peppermint and yes, by itself has a slight sweet taste. Like to make peppermint tea then put in fridge till ice cold.

  4. My favorite summer fruit is berries, blueberry, strawberry, blackberry, Marionberry. Besides eating fresh or in smoothies. Use it for waffles toppings or muffins. I freeze blueberries so it would last through the winter.

  5. What a great idea and I loved the video! Wish I could chop that fast! :) The melon looked delicious and putting it in a glass with the mint leaf looked like a nice way to make it festive for dinner! Keep the recipes and videos coming!
